Natremed, Unit 1, Owenshaw Mills, Sowerby Bridge. HX6 2AF
Ernie 0771 737 5815
Ernie 0771 737 5815
Unit 1, Owenshaw Mills
Sowerby Bridge
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The Akileine Blue range of foot care crème's and balms are formulated to re-hydrate dry, cracked feet and heels. Soothe, repairs, reinforces and protects skin against harsh external factors. With Shea butter and many other natural plant extracts, Akileine Blue range intensively moisturize, nourish, smooth and protects dehydrated, dry keratinised and rough skin.
Akileine Blue range for dry foot problems
Akileine Foot File Remove hard calloused skin safely:
Akileine Winter creme protects against frostbite
Akileine Winter Crème Prevents chilblains and frostbite, calms inflammation and itching. The crème also reinforces the natural hydro-lipidic barrier and helps the skin to fight the effect of cold helping it to stay supple and resistant.
This Winter Crème is a absolute must for all people that suffer from Chilblains
Akildia specially formulated for diabetics
Akildia Crème is specially formulated for those who suffer from diabetes. The Akildia range Protects skin against harsh external factors.
Prevents dehydration and limits the risk of hyperkeratosis.
Preserves the skin’s barrier function and enhances tissue regeneration.
Cicaleine for Cracked
heels and hands
Cicaleïne Heel and Hand Cracks Balm is formulated to repair heel and hand cracks,The moisturising action is immediate from the first application, and feels considerably more comfortable.
Visible results after 7 days, the number and depth of cracks is significantly less and there is a perceptible soothing effect.
Akileine Red range of foot crèmes are formulated to decongest and soothe tired, swollen feet, inflamed by walking, heat or tight shoes. Provides a pleasant sensation, freshness and enhance blood circulation.
Non-greasy and provide a Non-sticky formulation of foot care products that are un-paralleled in the foot care industry.
Akileine Red range for tired, swollen & inflamed feet
Akileine Green range for controlling foot odours
Akileine Green Range of cremes are used to regulate excessive foot perspiration (hyperhydrosis). The crème regulates the volume of perspiration from the very first application without blocking the skins ability to perspire. The exclusive patented Myco-preventive USS Lipesters ® prevents mycosic infections, protects the skin from any irritation caused by excessive perspiration and neutralizes bad odours
Remove hard calloused skin safely: The file has 2 abrasive surfaces, it is shaped and is more effective than pumice stones and less aggressive than metal rasps. The file is the perfect instrument for hygienic foot care, with no risk of cuts making ideal for diabetics